Beginner Toddler Swimming Classes for infants are designed swimming lessons for 2 year olds, 3 year olds and 4 years old. They are the best swim lessons in West London and South West London for toddlers with no previous structured swimming classes or little swimming experience. It is never too late to start to learn swimming! Our Swimming for Infants lessons are 9 weeks each of 30 minutes duration. In each class we have a maximum of eight children and eight parents/guardians. The other parent or a family member will be able to watch the lesson from the dedicated viewing area. As your child is new to the water, your instructor will make sure they introduce both you and your child to their Best Swimming Lessons for Toddlers in a gentle and safe way whilst still having fun and taking into consideration your Little One’s age and confidence. Our Infant Swimming School will introduce Infant Survival Swimming and infant swim rescue lessons in accordance with a child’s natural development and water confidence. As safety is our first priority, your instructor will make sure you learn new safety skills and rules to take care of a toddler in the water and surroundings. Our best swim lessons for Toddlers will give them more understanding of their surroundings, we will teach lifesaving skills and pool safety in a fun and exciting way! Kids get ready for lots of Run and Jump on our big float!
The natural progression from Beginner-Toddler is to move up to our Advanced Toddler level 1 unless the instructor has recommended otherwise.

REFER-A-FRIEND discount available

NHS Staff discount available
Beginner Toddler FAQ's
London Baby Swim operates a double nappy system for all babies and toddlers until they are toilet-trained. The double nappy system is a disposable or re-usable swim nappy underneath a Happy Nappy (neoprene nappy), which should fit closely enough to form a tight seal around the waist and thighs. You will be able to purchase the Happy Nappy on our online booking page. Disposable/reusable Swim nappies are available from supermarkets and drugstores. Children do not need to wear anything else apart of the double nappy system. Children wearing swim trunks, swimsuit, Eczema Suit or similar are welcome, however they will still have to wear the double nappy system underneath if they are not toilet-trained.
The maximum number of babies in one lesson is 8
Babies have a natural affinity with the water. They become totally liberated, as water is a free environment for them. We all have an inborn "gag reflex" and the "mammalian dive reflex" but it is generally strongest in babies up to 6 months old, these enable them to hold their breath underwater naturally and keep supplying oxygen to the main organs, which help us to provide a gentle introduction to submersions. They also have primitive swimming stroke actions up to 6 months of age and can propel themselves through the water. London Baby Swim builds upon babies natural reflexes to enable your baby to be completely happy moving in and through the water.
No, although one of the parents or responsible adult needs to be in the pool with the babies, the pool is shallow enough for parents to stand up. Our teachers are fully trained and experienced in helping parents to feel confident in the water. We will assist you with the submersion exercises for your child if you do not want to go underwater, although it is a wonderful experience to share with your child
YES, London Baby Swim offers 3 FREE Catch-up lessons per term/per child for any missed lesson. Our New Online Catch up Lesson system allows you to log in, cancel a lesson and then check the calendar for available spaces during the same term you can rebook onto. The system will show you your current level availability as well as the level above and below yours to offer more option
If your child has just a runny nose but feels happy and active, you will be able to come to your swimming lesson unless your GP has advised you otherwise. We recommend you not to come swimming if you and/or your child have an illness, such as, but not limited to: chest infection, conjunctivitis, measles, impetigo, ear infections, asthma or a heavy cold (first days of the cold). Please DO NOT come to your swimming lesson until the symptoms have cleared at least 48 hours prior to your swimming lesson or when your doctor has given the all-clear.
Under no circumstances must anyone suffering from diarrhoea or vomiting attend swimming during illness and up to 2 weeks after full recovery and stools have returned to normal.
If you are concerned about any medical condition, we ask that you always check with your GP before coming to any lessons