Very young babies get tired and hungry quicker than older babies, so feeding the babies 45 minutes before the lesson is very important. If you are feeding with solids, please allow at least 45 minutes for a light snack and 1 hour for a meal. Try to feed them just enough to keep them going during the lesson and keep the rest for after the lesson, as they will be very hungry. Sleeping time is very important too, so for them to have a good nap in the morning before swimming is vital.
Parents play a very significant role in the babies' behaviour, so it is very important for all of you to feel relaxed and confident in the water with your babies. As you may already know, babies can feel our emotions, so being relaxed in the water is essential. Of course, getting you relaxed in the water is part of the course and it takes time for the babies and parents to feel totally relaxed and comfortable in the water. Because it is very common for new babies to need more time to get used to the water and new environments, please don't worry if your baby is not really enjoying the lessons at the start. After a few weeks of getting used to the new experience, you will find they really begin to enjoy the lessons. Although some babies love bath time, please note that the pool is not the same as the bath. It is a completely different environment, to which babies have to acclimatise. The pool is a more impersonal environment, with a lot of people, noise, changes of temperature, etc. All these factors contribute for the babies to feel more insecure and they need a little time to adapt to the new experience. Usually we really start to notice a big improvement in relaxation and confidence in both babies and parents after the 4th week of swimming.
Very young babies are not able to maintain their body temperature as the older babies. At the same time, the signs of coldness are different, small babies will not shiver when they are cold. The sign to look for is a bluish or purplish lip. (Our pools are very warm at 33oC so this is rarely a problem in our classes but still worth mentioning). During the lesson the instructor will monitor all these signs that will indicate coldness, tiredness, being hungry, etc., and advise you what course of action to take.